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Přeskočit na hlavní obsah

Social benefits and social activity

Our Office does not pay social benefits, but we can help you with their arrangement.

Social Work Department

Provides the following services:

  • Counselling and assistance to the elderly and the disabled

  • Counselling and assistance to families with a disabled child

  • Counselling and assistance to people at risk of social exclusion

  • Counselling and assistance to people living a high-risk lifestyle

  • Counselling and assistance to victims of aggression, crime and domestic violence

  • Counselling and assistance to homeless people or people in precarious or inadequate housing

  • Counselling and assistance to the unemployed

  • Counselling and assistance to people with material problems

  • Counselling and assistance to persons after serving a custodial sentence

  • Processing of an application for an apartment in a nursing home

  • Establishment of a special recipient of pension insurance benefits

  • Processing a request to connect to the AREION emergency call system

  • Ombudsman for the elderly

  • Public guardian (performs custodial care of people deprived of or restricted in their legal capacity, to the extent determined by the court, receives information about citizens with non-standard behaviour and actions and responds appropriately)

  • Issuance of parking cards identifying the vehicle transporting a severely disabled person, i.e., the holder of a ZTP (severe health disability) or ZTP/P (requiring special care) card


Department of Social and Legal Protection of Children

Provides counselling and cooperation in solving the following life situations:

  • Reported suspicion of child abuse or neglect, insufficient parental care

  • Divorce and child custody

  • Determination or increase of child maintenance

  • Prevention of contact with the child

  • Difficult life situation of a family with children, loss of housing

  • Domestic violence where the victims are a parent or a minor child

  • Educational problems with the child

  • Drug problems in children

  • Adoption

  • Foster care

  • Foster care for a transitional period

  • Providing templates for filing applications in court

Social and legal protection is free and is provided to all children under the age of 18.

Department of Prevention and Methodological Support

Provides the following services:

  • For families with children, it performs social work for people in material need

  • Participates in solving the issue of national minorities, ethnicities and multiculturalism (advisor for national minorities and foreigners – Mgr. Radka Nováčková, DiS., office No 210, telephone: 222 116 409, email: novackova.radka@praha3.cz

  • Coordinates crime prevention

  • Participates in drug policy implementation

  • Ensures the implementation of projects and events in the social field

  • Provides and organises the development of social and follow-up services using the community planning method

  • Performs field social work in the natural environment for the elderly and the disabled

  • Provides social and other support services for informal carers

Address, telephone, office hours

Seifertova 51, Prague 3, 2nd and 4th floor, +420 222 116 409

Office hours

Other important links

Czech Social Security Administration


Local office for the Prague Social Security Administration for Prague 3:

Olšanská 3, Prague 3
+420 244 012 111

  • Handles applications for pension insurance benefits (old-age, invalidity, widow’s, widower’s, orphan, survivor’s pensions)

  • Manages the agenda of social security payments for employees of employers based in Prague 3, self-employed persons, voluntarily insured persons

Contact office for the Prague Social Security Administration in Prague 8:

Trojská 13a, 182 00 Prague 8, +420 283 104 111

  • Pays sickness insurance benefits (sickness, nursing, pregnancy and maternity allowance, maternity benefits)

The Czech Republic Labour Office

Regional Branch of the Czech Republic Labour Office for the Capital City of Prague
Domažlická 1139/11, Žižkov 130 00 Prague 3
+420 800 779 900

Employment (uradprace.cz)

Contact workplace Prague 2 and 3 (for Prague 1, 2 and 3)
